Loaded With Goodness

Loaded With Goodness

Smarter Cookies Beginning

Richard Harvey started Smarter Cookies as a business in 2010. He wanted to share the delicious, nutritious, healthful and Low Glycemic snacks and desserts he developed to address his health challenges. His synergistic recipes include up to 6 ingredients shown in clinical trials to have helped improve cholesterol. The most important ingredients in Smarter Cookies, chosen because of their research-proven benefits, are whole grain and organic.

We want people to feel good after they have finished our cookies, and share the joy.

stuff and stuff

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Experience With The Fast Track Detox Diet After I Completed Chemotherapy

In July of 2008, I completed my last dose of Chemotherapy. In September of 2008 JoAnn and I decided to try a comprehensive nutritional detox as prescribed in The Fast Track Detox Diet, a book by Ann Louise Gittleman PHD

It seemed like a good idea after 2 years of chemotherapy. JoAnn and I completed the 10-day detox in late September. One of the things Gittleman noted is that people who complete this detox often see significant drops in their serum cholesterol when it is over. According to the results of my blood test on 4/15/08, the favorable trend I started while on chemo was really helped by Gittleman’s detox. On 8/27/07, my last test before the detox, my cholesterol was 219. The next time I had my cholesterol tested on 4/15/2008, my overall cholesterol number was 147.

The nutritional remedies I worked with are the only possible explanation for the dramatic changes that occurred between 7/06 and 4/08. I can’t attribute it to exercise. I tried to exercise regularly, but I didn’t feel very good about half of the time, so I just did the best I could to stay active.

For me, nutrition was the solution to my cholesterol problem. Looking at the effect oat bran and grape seed oil had on my test results while I was on strong medication that is known to negatively impact cholesterol makes me feel good about having those as major ingredients in Smarter Cookies. These are among the key ingredients that make Smarter Cookies an intelligent nutritional choice.

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